
Last fall following a busy season of auditions and exciting gigs, someone asked members of Fermata Town, “So, what’s next?” At the time, we were just starting to record a few singles in which we planned to release before the end of the 2013 calendar year. So, the easy answer; we are in the process of recording again.  “But you’ve already recorded an album. I want to know what’s next?!” This really got us thinking. How can we push ourselves even more? What can we come up with that’s new and innovating and fits what we are all about?

After several brainstorming sessions, an idea finally surfaced that we fell in love with. Let’s make a music video.

Spearheaded by our wonderful Emerson College alums Alex & Amanda, the project quickly took life. There was a script and a cast, sponsors and a venue and with the help of an online auction, the entire project was funded.

We shot the video in late March and after months of editing and fine tuning; we’re excited to share the final product with you today!

Thank you to everyone who helped make the video possible including our sponsors, donors and auction winners! If you enjoyed it, share it!! And use the official hashtag, #FTownMusicVideo

Official Sponsors: Bill’s Bar Lilly’s Gourmet Pasta Clear Flour Bread Bakery Bravo Pizza Lyric Stage Theater Barry’s Bootcamp Sweetgreen Restaurant New England Aquarium Carmelina’s Sheer Madness Medieval Manor Mint Julep Emerson College West End House Boys & Girls Club Danger!Awesome

Auction Winner’s: Pamela Abrahams Vera Bergeron Andrew Bisdale Anthony Campagna

Laura Campagna Janet & Michael Giordano Mary Ishizaki Cayla O’Connell Danielle Shemaiah Pointer

Rob Rae Meg Reichel Tim Reichel

Sirarpi Walzer

Financial donors: Nick Andrzejewski Ball in the House Dan Campagna Susan Campagna Paul & Susanne Campagna Frank & Barbara Cantatore Julia Feeley Mary Anne Harris Jennifer Lecoq Mary McManus Dianne Meltzer Lauren Pajer Diane Reilly JJ Salmon Satellite Lane Amanda Spinella Benjamin Stevens Jonathan Vinci Justin Vinci Keith Vinci Joe Walsh Winfried Walzer Leslie Warren Lissa & George Zahokas
